Classical Five-Element Acupuncture
The Body Bar offers a unique and ancient form of acupuncture called Classical Five-Element Acupuncture (CF-EA).
The Classical Five-Element Acupuncture philosophy is CENTERED AROUND the rhythms of nature and witnessing those same rhythms within OURSELVES.
In the Eastern tradition, people seek out their acupuncture practitioner to keep them healthy with regular, seasonal treatments. Once health goals have been met, health maintenance may look like treatment sessions five times a year to correspond with the change of seasons and the highlighting of an element.
Acupuncture is also useful for acute conditions that spring up and may need more intensive treatment until the crisis is resolved. While an hour is generally scheduled for an Acupuncture session, each session is unique to the individual and driven by completeness of treatment, not driven by time.
The Five Elements Theory includes Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water elements. Each element relates to an organ system or function of the body that can be balanced with acupuncture sessions.

An Ancient Healing Practice
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is a complete system of medicine that has successfully diagnosed, healed and prevented diseases for over two thousand years. It is one of the most complete, comprehensive, and far-reaching systems of medicine in the world. It is unique in that it addresses the root cause of disease by correcting the physical, emotional, mental and spirit imbalances that cause symptoms to arise.
Qi, Spirit, and Needling
Chi is the vital energy that animates all things. There are different kinds of chi. Some we inherit; some we derive from nutrients and breath and other sources. When our spirit is strong, chi flows mightily, and our health thrives. However, if chi becomes “blocked,” it circulates less effectively, and illness can result.
One common goal for treatment is to encourage the smooth flow of chi through meridians, the channels it moves along. Once diagnosis is clear, thin needles—much smaller than hypodermics—are inserted into points corresponding to the five elements, in order to contact the chi and encourage its vital movement.
For most clients, there is no sensation of the needle breaking the skin. However, there can be a slight or even strong sense of contact when the practitioner connects the needle with the chi, just below the surface of the skin.
Please let us know if you would prefer needleless treatment.

Methods We Use
We have many methods available to us to help patients realize the best health outcome:
- Acupuncture/Alternative Medicine
- Auricular Acupuncture
- Classical Acupuncture (5 Element)
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Moxibustion
- Zero Balancing
- BodyWork
- Cupping
- Dietary Therapy and Nutrition
- Gua Sha
- Lifestyle Coaching
- Electro-acupuncture
- Far Infrared Heat Therapy
- Tuina
- Linaments & patches
- Vitamin and Homeopathic Injections

Conditions We Treat
We treat the individual as a whole person, working to restore balance and harmony within the body. Patients have presented with the following symptoms and been treated with improvements in these areas:
- Anxiety
- Auto-Immune Conditions
- Arthritis
- Cognitive Deficits
- Depression
- Headaches
- Hypertension
- Lethargy
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Menstrual Cramps
- Pain
- Sexual Issues
- Teen Health
- Trauma
- Weight Management